
2008 我的 金馬影展 11/14~11/16




1) 國際動畫大觀 / 焦點影人:亞歷山大佩特洛夫--含5部動畫短片 (俄)
2) 紀錄觀點 / 冰旅紀事 Encounters at the End of the World (美)
3) 影迷嘉年華 / 年度熱門電影 / 家傳秘方 The Secret of the Grain (法)
4) 向大師致敬 / 市川崑 / 魔幻時刻 The Magic Hour (日)

老人與海 The Old Man and the Sea
導演 : Aleksandr Petrov(Aleksandr Petrov)
國別 : 俄
年份 : 1999
片長 : 20min
規格 : Betacam
得獎紀錄 : 2000奧斯卡最佳動畫短片│2000安錫動畫影展最佳動畫短騙、觀眾票選最佳影片
影片介紹 :

One of the most known director-animators in history of contemporary cinema. Each of his new films are executed in original animation techniques of the come alive painting, becomes an event in the cultural world. After 20 years working in animation cinema, Alexander is recognized all over the world. His pictures have been awarded prizes and premiums in the most prestigious international film festivals. In 2000 the film “The Old Man and the Sea”, has won an Oscar first ever in the history of the Russian animation.


冰旅紀事 Encounters at the End of the World
導演 : 韋納荷索(Werner Herzog)
國別 : 美
年份 : 2008
片長 : 99min
規格 : DigiBeta
得獎紀錄 : 2008愛丁堡影展最佳紀錄片│2007多倫多影展
影片介紹 :

There is a hidden society at the end of the world. One thousand people live together under unbelievably close quarters in Antarctica, risking their lives and sanity in search of cutting-edge science. Herzog traveled with rare access to the raw beauty of the ultimate Down Under.

家傳秘方 The Secret of the Grain
導演 : 阿布戴柯西胥(Abdel Kechiche)
國別 : 法
年份 : 2007
片長 : 154min
規格 : 35mm
得獎紀錄 : 2007威尼斯影展評審團大獎、費比西獎 2008凱薩獎最佳影片等四項大獎
影片介紹 :

A tired man drags himself towards a shipyard job which has become more difficult to cope with as the years go by. He is a divorced father who forces himself to stay close to his family despite the scissions are sparked off and which financial difficulties make even more intense.

魔幻時刻 The Magic Hour
導演 : 三谷幸喜(Koki Mitani)
國別 : 日
年份 : 2008
片長 : 136min
規格 : 35mm
影片介紹 :

A hustler who gets in trouble with a gang boss in the port town of Sukago agrees to make good with the don by putting him in contact with a mysterious hitman, an assassin the hustler has no idea how to contact. Instead, he hires an actor to play the role, though the thespian has no idea what he's getting into.

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